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Diamond cutting wheels

Diameter: 230 mm
Inner diameter: 22.23 mm
A type: segmented
Amount in a package: 1
399 TJS
Diameter: 230 mm
Inner diameter: 22.23 mm
A type: segmented
Amount in a package: 1
500 TJS
Diameter: 125 mm
Inner diameter: 22.23 mm
A type: segmented
Amount in a package: 1
155 TJS
Diameter: 125 mm
Inner diameter: 22.23 mm
A type: segmented
Amount in a package: 1
295 TJS
Diamond cutting technology Appearing in Europe at the beginning of the 60s, diamond cutting technique was initially used in Western countries. [Source not specified 3757 days] The widespread adoption of reinforced concrete as a popular building material necessitated the introduction of environmentally friendly and safe technology for making holes and openings. The main danger to humans when punching openings (using traditional jacking technologies) is the occurrence of concrete dust that causes silicosis. [Source not specified 3757 days] Also, when jackhammers are used, vibrations occur that are dangerous for the integral structure of reinforced concrete, especially in monolithic construction. The noise level also exceeds all standards acceptable for human health. The most famous global equipment manufacturers are Pentruder (Sweden), BRAUN (Austria) HILTI (Liechtenstein), TYROLIT HYDROSTRESS (Austria), CEDIMA (Germany), BIBER (Germany), DR.Bender (Germany), WEKA (Germany), Husqvarna ( Sweden), Eurodima (Austria), Eibenstock (Germany), Distar (Ukraine), ICS Blount Inc (USA), Stihl (Germany).
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