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Jackhammers Makita HM1317C

18919 TJS
Properties Values
Impact energy 33.8 j
Cartridge Type 30 mm
Power 1510 watts
Number of strokes 730-1450 bpm
Weight 17 kg
Overall length 715 mm
Power cord 5m
Graphite brush 171 СВ
Impact energy: 63 j
Cartridge Type: 28.6 mm
Power: 2000 watts
Number of strokes: 1110 bpm
Weight: 32.3 kg
Overall length: 824 mm
22580 TJS
not available
Designed to work with solid structures and coatings, the Makita HM1317C jackhammer is now popular among professionals in their respective fields. This high-performance electric tool makes it possible to successfully cope with even the most complex tasks. You can buy a model at a relatively low price in the online store. At the same time, the customer does not need to spend time searching for equipment and its delivery, which is of great importance for many of them. Model application The impressive power that the Makit HM1317C jackhammer possesses makes it efficient in carrying out work. The device copes well with the dismantling of concrete and brick walls, with the removal of hard surfaces, with the opening of road surfaces, with the destruction of foundations and with other tasks of this kind. The number of strokes that the chipper is capable of developing per minute has the ability to change from 730 to 1450. The impact energy of this model is 33.8 J, cartridge - 30 mm. During use, the hammer in question does not cause any inconvenience.
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