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2800 TJS
Properties Values
Device from the network
Cartridge type SDS-Plus
Voltage 220 V
Power 710 watts
Speed 1100 rpm
Number of strokes 4400 bpm
Impact energy 2.3 J
Number of modes 2
Device: from the network
Cartridge type: SDS-Plus
Voltage: 220 V
Power: 800 watts
Speed: 900 rpm
Number of strokes: 4000 bpm
3700 TJS
Device: from the network
Cartridge type: SDS-Plus
Voltage: 220 V
Power: 790 watts
Speed: 0-930 rpm
Number of strokes: 0-4200 bpm
2500 TJS
Device: from the network
Cartridge type: SDS-Plus
Voltage: 220 V
Power: 880 watts
Speed: 0-900 rpm
Number of strokes: 0-4000 bpm
3800 TJS
Device: from the network
Cartridge type: SDS-Plus
Voltage: 220 V
Power: 650 watts
Speed: 1300 rpm
Number of strokes: 4980 bpm
1900 TJS
Device: from the network
Cartridge type: SDS-Plus
Voltage: 220 V
Power: 800 watts
Speed: 0-900 rpm
Number of strokes: 0-4000 bpm
3700 TJS
New dust-free drilling solution Convenience thanks to extremely compact design Removable suction device for clean, dust-free operation Ease of use even when working overhead thanks to its extremely compact design
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