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Laser Rangefinders Bosch

Laser diode: 0.05 - 20.00 m
Measuring range: 0.05 - 20.00   m
Nominee measurement time: <0.5 s
Range of measurements, from: 0,05 m
Measuring range, up to: 20 m
Laser class: 2
1200 TJS
Laser diode: 635 нм
Measuring range: 0,05 – 30,00 м
Weight: 0.08 кг
Nominee measurement time: 0,5 с
Range of measurements, from: 1.0 м
Measuring range, up to: 30 mm
1700 TJS
Laser diode: 635 нм
Measuring range: 0,05 – 50,00 м
Weight: 0.09 кг
Nominee measurement time: 0,5 с
Range of measurements, from: 1.0 м
Measuring range, up to: 50 mm
1950 TJS
Laser diode: 515 нм, < 1 мВт
Measuring range: 0,05 – 50,00 м
Weight: 0,2 kg
Nominee measurement time: < 0,5 с
Range of measurements, from: 1.0 м
Measuring range, up to: 0,05 – 50,00 m
3870 TJS | 5 %
Laser range finder - a device for measuring distances using a laser beam. It is widely used in engineering geodesy, in topographic surveying, in military affairs, in navigation, in astronomical research, in photography [source not specified 1688 days]. Modern laser rangefinders in most cases are compact and allow you to quickly determine the distances to objects of interest with the greatest possible accuracy. Laser rangefinders are distinguished by the principle of action on pulsed and phase. A pulsed laser rangefinder is a device consisting of a pulsed laser and a radiation detector. By measuring the time that the beam spends on the path to the reflector and vice versa, and knowing the value of the speed of light, we can calculate the distance between the laser and the reflecting object. Pulse laser rangefinders have a long range, because the pulse can be issued with high power and increased stealth, including only for the duration of the pulse. Therefore, pulsed laser rangefinders are usually used in military sights.
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